Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Greek myths and Hunger Games Connections

Hunger Games and Greek Mythology
Play the video first its a read along.
The gods and goddess lived in mount Olympus after the rule Cronus the leader of the titans. Zeus had a daughter named Athena she's the goddess of city, farming and handicrafts. Athena is kinda like Rue because Rue came from district 11 and that district is about farming. Ares is the god of war he's cruel and bloodstained but he was a coward. Cato is like Ares because he is tough but when he was chased by mutant wolves he became a coward instead of killing the mutations. Apollo was the god of music and healing. Back in the Hunger Games Katniss's mother was a healer to the people of district 12.( Hunt, John M )

Once in the world of gods and goddess there was beast with the power kill to a man in one hit. The name of the monster was Minotaur. In the Hunger Games there was arena they fight to the death till there was one left standing. The Minotaur roamed thorough a maze called a labyrinth where they would put prisoners in the labyrinth to die except one man who was named Theseus. The at the end of the maze was goddess of city, farming and handicrafts, Athena. Theseus met the daughter of the Minotaur, Ariadne who fell in love with him and would do anything to escape with him. Theseus found her father sleeping at the exit. So, Theseus beat the Minotaur to death.(Lindemans, Micha F.)

Hunger games and Greek mythology
by: 16sandor2

Hunt, John M. "Greek Mythology Gods Olympians." Deutschlands Größtes Beschleunigerzentrum - Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY. Web. 07 Dec. 2011. <>

Lindemans, Micha F. "Minotaur." Encyclopedia Mythica: Mythology, Folklore, and Religion. MCMXCV, 30 Mar. 1997. Web. 08 Dec. 2011. <

Friday, November 4, 2011

When You're Evil

I'm the fly in your soup
I'm the pebble in your shoe
I'm the pea beneath your bed
I'm a bump on every head
I'm the peel on which you slip
I'm a pin in every hip
I'm the thorn in your side
Makes you wriggle and writhe

While there's children to make sad
While there's candy to be had
while there's pockets left to pick
While there's grannies left to trip down the stairs
I'll be there, I'll be waiting 'round the corner
It's a game. I'm glad I'm in it
'Cause there's one born every minute

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Hunger Games End of Part 2

Lately in class we have been reading in class the book called The Hunger Games. We have just finished the 2nd part. Chapter 18 is the last chapter in part 2. Rue was killed by a boy from district 1 and he was killed by Katniss. Then at the end Cladius Templesmith's was heard around the arena he says that there's a new rule in the games. The new rule was that if two tributes are at the end and both from the same district both win. I think Cladius Made that rule to bring Katniss and Peeta together or make the careers turn against each other.

Friday, October 14, 2011

When Beauty goes Extreme

  Nobody should maximize beauty they should just stay the way they are. Beauty is achieved with personality and good actions. The media
makes people change by putting make up or pressuring someone to change their appearance. The media uses beauty in TV shows, commercials, and ads. Beauty goes to far if a little girl puts make up to make her look older or younger.
Staregies in The Hunger Games 
To win the Hunger Games you need to hide in a tree. You have to have skills with throwing knives or a bow-n-arrow. You need to be in a tree to throw or shoot people who pass by. There is another way to win. You could always make alliances with other tributes. But, turn against them after everyone else is dead.

Friday, September 30, 2011

What does the world think of beauty?

The world says beauty is on the outside. But the truth is that beauty is on the inside not the outside. The actions or personality of someone has beauty or not. Only people who are caring, loving have beauty.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

My Utopia

My utopia has no war and it has no poverty. Poverty is a great problem around the world. The cause of poverty mostly is war. With war going on people get their house destroyed or family members die. My utopia has no war nor poverty because both of those are the most devistating things happening across the globe. My utopia can be the is the the starting poit of peace. Peace can only happen to people who all live fair there is no rich nor poor there's only people with the same amount of money or things.