Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Golden Monkey

   I have just rented out my new apartment (10 years from now). It might be a little hard to pay the fee. Then I might need to work double shift.
    I packed all my things from my college dorm ( If i ever get a scholarship) and moved my stuff to the new apartment. Once i got there i unpacked all my stuff and rearranged it in different places. I set up my room and went to go put things in my bathroom. I was done organizing the bathroom, I noticed that there was a box in side the bathtub. It had a sticky note on it that has the owner’s name scribbled out. What surprised me was that i had my name on and said open it. I opened it and what was inside was just a bunch of junk. It was map of South America, a scroll with dates and items, and a metal belt with weird buttons on it. That’s when the belt started talking.
“Insert date and year to travel through time,” it said.
“This is just bluff it’s not real traveling through time is impossible. Just fake I’ll just put in the attack of Pearl Harbor,” I said.
I entered the date and time of the bombing, December 7, 1941. I knew it wasn’t possible i thought to myself. It’s not going to happen. I’ll just step outside to go buy some food, when i noticed the temperature dropped from the mid 90’s to 30’s. I look outside my window to see what happened. The city turned into rubble and there was smoke rising above the buildings. I stepped out side to see what happened when the belt started to talk again.
“ You have entered the exact date of the bombing of Pearl Harbor. You where lucky to have made it after the bombing.”
“So You're saying I was taken back to the 1900’s. So you do work? You’re a time traveling belt thingy.” It was kinda strange for me to talk to a belt that talked back.
“You know I have a name. I don’t like being called a thingy.” It seemed to be angry and it took me back home.
“ Let me guess your name is 2 by 4.” It seemed kind of obvious that it would have a robot name or something like that.
“Nope my name is Carl.”
“.................okay.” It was actually thinking that Carl would have a better name than that.
I started to look at the paper with pictures of relics and dates. I asked Carl what they were for.
“Carl, What do I do with the scroll of relics and time periods?” I had no idea what they were for. Maybe they were pieces for a puzzle to tell me the combination that could be use to open anything.
“They are used to find different pieces to make a golden...” Carl kept talking till I interrupted him.
“ Is it a golden car or a golden mansion.” I was actually excited to see what the golden item was.
“ No none of that it’s better than what you think.”
“What is it? tell me!.”
“It’s a Golden monkey”
“ You got to be kidding me.” I felt disappointed to hear that it was a golden monkey. When you usually hear the world you would think of something expensive, not ridiculous like a golden monkey.
“ My brother is working for a man named Stark.” It started to bug me how when there is a adventure you always seem to run into a enemy who’s trying to kill you or mess up the whole thing.
“What does the monkey do anyway Carl?” I felt that i should know what to do to not make go crazy and mess up the entire past and future.
“ It makes people turn it monkeys and Stark can use them to enslave the human race.” All this stuff about monkeys making me think about the movie Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes. The golden monkey seemed to have been aggravating because it sounds fake and there’s no way it can turn people into a monkey.
    “ Well let’s get started tomorrow Carl.” I was tired and terrified at the scene of pearl harbor.
    “ Too Bad. You should of thought of that before you opened the box. Next Up the left leg at Machu Picchu.”
Deleted scene 1 Deleted scene by 16sandor

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