Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Mysterous Creature

Another night bare of slumber,
Hours passing without number,
My eyes trace around the room.

I lay
Dripping sweat and now quite certain,
That tonight the is the final curtain,
Drops upon my short life's precious play.

From the darkness, by the closet
Comes a noise, much like a faucet,
Makes a terrible drip drip dripping sound.

It seems some ill gruesome beast,
I maybe his next feast,
Is drooling poison puddles on the ground.

A can of meat, around forty-five,
Is all i need to stay alive,
But no weapon lies within sight.

A shadow's seeking,
Beastly and black is creeping,
Slowly across a moonlit square of light.

Suddenly a floorboard creak,
Announces the blood sucking freak,
Is here to steal my future years away,
A disgusting smell now fills the room,
Signaling me the time of my death,
A fang gleams in the dark and murky gray.

Blood-red eyes and tentacles,
Throbbing, pulsing tongue,
Mucus oozing pores and frightful claws.

In my death bed,
I arise in the morning,
Noticing I'm not dead.

Cave troll as corporate bully by kevin dooley
Attribution License


  1. I love how you said "drip drip dripping sound" Great use of repetition! And anothter thing, this post is going to give me nightmares!

  2. that was scary but intresting at the same time!

  3. I love your poem. I like how your poem ar dark

  4. This sounded very scary the picture was scary too.

  5. you would be a good scary story writer.....

  6. That was kinda of a Scary story

  7. That was scary! But a good poem!

  8. i like the picture that you put at the end and i like thy you said "i arise in the morning noticing that i am not dead" that was a great poem
