Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Rise Against - Prayer of The Refugee
The song has to do with injustice and fair trade. The video and song show of a refugee talking to his son and trying to change his past. A refugee is a person who is outside their country of origin. The refugee talks about the good life he, and his people, once had, but no longer do.The chorus is the refugee calling out, saying not to help him. He says that all the people tried to help him, have all let him down. Just look in the video and see there's a banner that says "All American" but, most things there are made in separate countries. When they're made in separate countries but, the U.S. took all the credit.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Hunger Games Review

The movie had a lot of things in it but, had some scenes taken out like the part when Madge gave Katniss the pin. The cool thing about it is that you actually get to see how they die and how the  muttations look. There were 24 people in the games but, 11 die in the first day. There has been a conversation that Rue should have been white with blond hair. Vote what you think on the side. 
Taken from http://farm5.static.flickr.com/1350/731951626_42b5fa8aa0_b.jpg on 2012-4-05 Original URL - http://www.flickr.com/99652207@N00/731951626/ created on 2007-07-05 18:31:43 Charles WilliamsCC BY 2.0

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

I plan on spring break to take care of my brothers while my mom works. When she has a break I'm gonna go to the movies with some friends to see wrath of the Titans. Then take care of my brothers again for the rest of the week.

104th St. Drive In by Curtis Gregory Perry
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License

Friday, March 30, 2012

The House Of The Scorpion

   Matt is a clone because on his right foot it says "Property Of Alacrane Estate. I thought the beginning was just a scene that would self explain what's going on. Instead it's just a explanation of how Matt was a clone and born inside a cow. Which is gross but amazing at the same time. He figured out he's a clone, when the doctor was taking glass out of his foot, When Maria saw the writing on his foot. I didn't think he would be a clone. I thought he might have a disorder or somthing.

Ready to attack by dominiqs
Attribution License

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Mysterous Creature

Another night bare of slumber,
Hours passing without number,
My eyes trace around the room.

I lay
Dripping sweat and now quite certain,
That tonight the is the final curtain,
Drops upon my short life's precious play.

From the darkness, by the closet
Comes a noise, much like a faucet,
Makes a terrible drip drip dripping sound.

It seems some ill gruesome beast,
I maybe his next feast,
Is drooling poison puddles on the ground.

A can of meat, around forty-five,
Is all i need to stay alive,
But no weapon lies within sight.

A shadow's seeking,
Beastly and black is creeping,
Slowly across a moonlit square of light.

Suddenly a floorboard creak,
Announces the blood sucking freak,
Is here to steal my future years away,
A disgusting smell now fills the room,
Signaling me the time of my death,
A fang gleams in the dark and murky gray.

Blood-red eyes and tentacles,
Throbbing, pulsing tongue,
Mucus oozing pores and frightful claws.

In my death bed,
I arise in the morning,
Noticing I'm not dead.

Cave troll as corporate bully by kevin dooley
Attribution License

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Golden Monkey 2

Day 1
I arrived at Machu Picchu, Peru 1000 years back from the present. I remember researching that there used to be a ancient civilization, the Inca. I saw a old man selling jewels and relics that seemed expensive. I asked him if he has seen any golden monkey leg.
“ Excuse me sir but have you seen a golden monkey leg of some sort or relic or map to get me there?”
“ Welcome Mitima, what can i do for you today? Would you like a Napa or a llama.?”
“ Carl what’s Mitima and Napa? I don’t understand his language. He’s speaking English with a little foreign language.”
“ He’s speaking a Inca language Mitima means settler and Napa means albino llama. I have just created a program to translate English to whatever language you want. You’ll be speaking English but he will hear his native language.
I set the translator to Inca and I started to ask the vendor if he has seen the relic on the map.
“ Yes, I’ve seen it in the Inca Pucara ruled by our Sinchi and his Coya.
“ Pucara is fortress, Sinchi is chief or leader, Coya is queen” Carl reminded me.
“ But the only way to get in is you have to be a guard. If you sneak in which is impossible without dying. The Pucara is well guarded and has traps.Only way to get in if you were a bug.”
“How do I become a bug.”
“Go ask my mother.”
“No need to be rude you could have just said no.” i said.
“ No I serious my mother makes people into animals. My brother got changed to a Napa for punishment, then he met a horrible fate by a hunter.”
“ Where is she?”
“She is in the house, behind my counter.”
    I stepped inside to find his mother, I found a giant black bowl full of random things.
    There were llama eyes still blinking, rabbit’s feet, yellow liquid which I hope is jello, and skulls with eyes still in it.
    “ What do you think your doing?” I heard a voice behind me. It was a little old lady with an eye patch, crooked teeth, a pink eye, a long nose like Pinocchio, and pointy ears. Her repulsive image made me wince.
    “ How do i look?”
    I stood there trying to think of a word when i said.
    “ Um you uh look nice.”
    “What can i do for you?”
    “ I need you to make me a bug.”
    “ What kind of bug?” she said. Her voice was scratchy and sounded like she was gargling water or had food stuck in her throat.
“ Does it matter!”
“ Fine. Come and drink this.” she went and took a cup out of the kitchen and dipped it in the giant bowl and gave it to me. I started have second thoughts about this when she forced it to my mouth.
“ In ten seconds you’ll be a bug.”
I waited for ten second, I felt funny in my stomach. I went to the bathroom and saw in the mirror.
“ You did turn me to a bug, but there’s one problem.”
“ What problem?”
“ I am a bug, but I’m a six foot tall bug! When I said I want to be a bug I mean a two inch bug.”
“ I know.”
“ Then why didn’t you make me into a two inch bug?”
“ The fortress is a mile away, if you were a two inch bug that would be like a thousand miles.”
I was shocked to know how much I would walk if I was that small.
“ Just drink this at the entrance.”
I left the room, I was on my way to the fortress. I got stopped by the vendor’s mother.
“ I gave you the wrong potion! I accidentally gave you a potion that makes you blow up.”
She had 7 other potions with her and a little suit case to carry the potions. I was one my way when she stopped me again, to explain how each one worked.
“ Green is for shrinking yourself to two inches, blue is to grow back to you original size, orange is for blowing things up, purple can be used as a weapon just pour it on you hand and a weapon will appear, yellow is to make turn into a random animal, red makes you disappear.”
“ What about the clear one” I asked.
“ Its just water” she answered.
Ten minutes later I saw the fortress and started running to make the travel faster when a guard startled me. The guard stood there, brave and focused, holding a large spear in his hand and a shield in the other. I used the green potion to shrink to two inches and started to crawl in front of him to enter the fortress. I would not have noticed him, a man of 27, stood on the corner opposite other the man I encountered. He wore golden armour not like the other guards because he was wearing gold and the others bronze. He carried bow and arrows, a large golden sword, a shield in the shape of a dragons face, body armour that had many details, a helmet with the format of a rhino, and a large red cape that has been scratched up. He seemed to be a higher class in that the other guards. I noticed a guard bring a prisoner up to him. The high class guard began to speak in a rough voice showing no mercy.
“ What is the problem?” he asked.
“ This man was caught stealing from the royal vault, sir. He is to be executed by orders other queen.”
“ I’ll handle it, leave at once soldier” he demanded.
“ Yes sir” he left at once.
The high class soldier tied the man to the nearest tree. He put a sack over the man’s head. What was strange was, the soldier take off all of his weapons and pulled out his hand and pointed at him as if he were to give him a high five. The man started to pleaded him for mercy. His hand started to glow and came out a ball of light. It disappeared and the man felt that the soldier had gave him mercy. Then a giant mouth came out of his hand, it appeared to be the mouth of a wolf and it devoured the man. There was nothing left of the man just a hole through the tree.
     I was horrified of the man, so I ran through the crack in the wall and pulled out the blue potion, so I could return to my original size. I was back to my old size when i noticed the left monkey leg standing on half of a pillar. Next to the leg was the same things that the higher class soldier had. I heard footsteps coming my way, I opened the chest of the suit got inside to make it look like I was protecting the monkey leg. I noticed they were the same kind of class I had on. One of them walked up to me.
    “State your class and business.”
    “ I’m protecting the prize jewel of the queen and I’m a new recruit I have no idea what’s my class.”
    “ It is Vindication of they.” said the soldier next to him.
    “ I leave you to your business.”
    Both soldiers left, I had my chance to take when the soldier I saw came up to me.
    “I know who you are.”
    “ I think you don’t because I'm a new recruit.”
    “ No you’re not.”
    “ Yes I am.”
    “ Tell me then name of the class that most of us are wearing?”
    “ It’s Called Vindication of They.”
    “You’re wrong it’s Vindicator not Vindication. You shall be executed at once for being a intruder.” He pointed at me the same way he pointed at the man on the tree. The light ball cam out of his hand. I began to run away.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

ELA Showcase

My three top post are The Golden monkey, The Aztec's History and Mexico's Attractions, and My Childhood Memory. They're my top because they're my favorite topics and they have most genres I like.  The TTH prject shows my creativity because most people used online project makers like Goanimate and Toondoo. I on the other hand used the program paint that was already installed to the computer. The Golden Monkey show that I've had grown in writing because all my other posts are one or half a page of writing. But, this one is two pages long and it has four other parts to it. The proof of I'm a learner is The golden monkey because I started to use dialogue in my writing pieces.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Golden Monkey

   I have just rented out my new apartment (10 years from now). It might be a little hard to pay the fee. Then I might need to work double shift.
    I packed all my things from my college dorm ( If i ever get a scholarship) and moved my stuff to the new apartment. Once i got there i unpacked all my stuff and rearranged it in different places. I set up my room and went to go put things in my bathroom. I was done organizing the bathroom, I noticed that there was a box in side the bathtub. It had a sticky note on it that has the owner’s name scribbled out. What surprised me was that i had my name on and said open it. I opened it and what was inside was just a bunch of junk. It was map of South America, a scroll with dates and items, and a metal belt with weird buttons on it. That’s when the belt started talking.
“Insert date and year to travel through time,” it said.
“This is just bluff it’s not real traveling through time is impossible. Just fake I’ll just put in the attack of Pearl Harbor,” I said.
I entered the date and time of the bombing, December 7, 1941. I knew it wasn’t possible i thought to myself. It’s not going to happen. I’ll just step outside to go buy some food, when i noticed the temperature dropped from the mid 90’s to 30’s. I look outside my window to see what happened. The city turned into rubble and there was smoke rising above the buildings. I stepped out side to see what happened when the belt started to talk again.
“ You have entered the exact date of the bombing of Pearl Harbor. You where lucky to have made it after the bombing.”
“So You're saying I was taken back to the 1900’s. So you do work? You’re a time traveling belt thingy.” It was kinda strange for me to talk to a belt that talked back.
“You know I have a name. I don’t like being called a thingy.” It seemed to be angry and it took me back home.
“ Let me guess your name is 2 by 4.” It seemed kind of obvious that it would have a robot name or something like that.
“Nope my name is Carl.”
“.................okay.” It was actually thinking that Carl would have a better name than that.
I started to look at the paper with pictures of relics and dates. I asked Carl what they were for.
“Carl, What do I do with the scroll of relics and time periods?” I had no idea what they were for. Maybe they were pieces for a puzzle to tell me the combination that could be use to open anything.
“They are used to find different pieces to make a golden...” Carl kept talking till I interrupted him.
“ Is it a golden car or a golden mansion.” I was actually excited to see what the golden item was.
“ No none of that it’s better than what you think.”
“What is it? tell me!.”
“It’s a Golden monkey”
“ You got to be kidding me.” I felt disappointed to hear that it was a golden monkey. When you usually hear the world you would think of something expensive, not ridiculous like a golden monkey.
“ My brother is working for a man named Stark.” It started to bug me how when there is a adventure you always seem to run into a enemy who’s trying to kill you or mess up the whole thing.
“What does the monkey do anyway Carl?” I felt that i should know what to do to not make go crazy and mess up the entire past and future.
“ It makes people turn it monkeys and Stark can use them to enslave the human race.” All this stuff about monkeys making me think about the movie Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes. The golden monkey seemed to have been aggravating because it sounds fake and there’s no way it can turn people into a monkey.
    “ Well let’s get started tomorrow Carl.” I was tired and terrified at the scene of pearl harbor.
    “ Too Bad. You should of thought of that before you opened the box. Next Up the left leg at Machu Picchu.”
Deleted scene 1

GoAnimate.com: Deleted scene by 16sandor

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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Mexico's Attractions and Past

 Click the orange and blue words to see pictures.
The Aztecs History and Mexico’s Attractions
It all started in the beginning when the Aztecs Empire was made. There empire started when there god, Huitzilopochtli sent them a sign to where they were suppose to settle. They built the city of Tenochitlan was soon to become one of the largest cities in the world. The Aztecs became stronger as the made alliances. Their military became stronger too because they started conquering other areas surrounding them.
    The Aztecs empire was organized and strong, but ruled with fear. In 1519 the clash of culture began between the Aztecs and the Spaniards. After the clash between the two cultures, the Aztecs suddenly vanish.
    Mexico’s historical ruins bring attractions of the Aztecs, Mayans, and the Olmec.Somewhere around 1000 BC, the first of Mexico's ancient civilizations, the Olmec, established themselves in what are now the states of Veracruz and Tabasco. They worshipped a jaguar God, build cities,constructed massive stone head carvings, and spread throughout central and southern Mexico until their civilization mysteriously vanished around 400 BC.
The Maya, for example, were so advanced in mathematics and astronomy that their calendar was the world's most accurate until this century. They could also predict solar and lunar eclipses.Mayan history starts in the Yucatan around 2600 B.C., Mayan history rose to the peak of success around A.D. 250 in present-day southern Mexico, Guatemala, western Honduras, El Salvador, and northern Belize.  Maya developed astronomy, calendrical systems and hieroglyphic writing. The Maya were noted as well for planed and highly decorated ceremonial architecture, including temple-pyramids, palaces and observatories, all built without metal tools.

The Conquest of New Spain, a great and tragic history, begins in April of 1519  when a Cortes lands in Veracruz, about 200 miles from the Aztec capital.  Cortes  had a singular mission: defeat the Aztecs and take their gold. To do so, he had  less than 400 soldiers, 16 horses, 14 pieces of artillery, 11 ships, plenty of guns and ammunition. Cortes landed on the coast at Veracruz on April 22, 1519 and the Aztec capital surrendered to him on August 13, 1521.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Mayans theory

The Mayans theory
    The Mayans predicted the end of the world. The Mayans prediction made the whole world come up with theories about how the world would end.
    I think the opposite of what the Mayans say. This is a matter of opinion not a fact. I’ve heard people say that the world was going to end in 2012. Right now it’s 2012 and nothing bad happened when it was the start of a new year. Now all branches Christianity think that a sever flood will consume the world with water like it did in the story of Noah’s Ark. The Mayans theory states that on December 21st Armageddon will happen. Armageddon is a theory or prediction that means another word for end of the world.
    My theory that the world is going to end until the sun gives out and we all freeze to death. If it freezes all life on earth dies and so would the earth it self will freeze and start a new ice age. My second theory is that a meteor will strike the earth again like it did a millions of years ago. The whole human race and other plants and most animals will die. There might be some lizards that survive since it happens above level and the stay in the ground during that time. With the lizards still alive they might grow bigger and with that event the whole history of time could start over and go to the time when dinosaurs roamed the earth to the separation of Pangaea. Pangaea is a theory that all the continents were all connected to make a whole country. From there to the colonization of the New world. To the renaissances and last the 21st century.
    Theories all over the world are saying the world is gonna end. I beg a differ that most theories that were would happen in 2012. All other theories could happen in 2013 or 2020.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

My Childhood Memory

  I had two near death experiences in my childhood.  One was at Wet & Wild, the other was in the 7th grade.  I have wished I never had those experiences.

  I stayed in a lock in at a church I go to. On the last day of the lock in we went to Wet and Wild water park.  I went to the wave pool with two other friends, at the time I didn't know how to swim.  My friends persuaded me to go to the whirlpool.  Whenever it started spinning, it dragged me to the deep end and I started to jump up and get air. I did it 3 times, i had enough air to go underwater for one minute.  After a minute, I was enveloped with water but no air.  I was saved by a lifeguard before I drowned.  I will never go back to it till I learn how to swim. I never did learn to swim after that.
GoAnimate.com: 1st near death experiance by 16sandor

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  My second experience was in the 7th grade.  My friend Juan ( he's been my friend since the 2nd grade) was in my 2nd period class.  Feeling bored he started messing with the stapler. The stapler was Mrs. Fitzpatrick.  There was a staple beside his desk, and he picks it up and throws it straight up.  I was yawning, then the staple fell in my mouth. For some inexplicable reason I swallow it .  I was chocking on it for about a minute or so and i finally spit it out.  After that incident I didn't feel like sitting next to him anymore. I never really knew how i spit the staple back up.